For the first time - at least in my life - people the world over can empathize with a shared problem: joblessness in the time of COVID.
I live in Ontario, Canada, and when the first provincial lockdown came, I felt paralyzed with fear. Will I have income? How do I support a family? And a next realization quickly came the on the heels of those thoughts: everyone is out of work...this could (will?) get ugly.
Let's jet forward to today.
April, 2021. Ontario is in its third stay-at-home order. Businesses are shuttering their doors and people are mourning the loss of livelihoods, connection, and so forth. Our frontline champions are weary. I feel so deeply for folks who are out of work, particularly when the circumstances are just so beyond people's control. It is confusing. It is hurtful. And it can make us feel...angry. Is it okay to say that? I think so. But this isn't all about doom and gloom. I'm here to remind you of something: this isn't your fault. That sentence doesn't help assuage your very real needs, I know. Here's the thing, though: yes, some things are out of your control, but not ALL things.
Invest in yourself; you can own your next career move.
When COVID hit, we all saw on onslaught of online classes fill our social media channels. Remember that? Learn to speak French! Online tequila school! Virtual paint nights! As they say, necessity is the mother of all invention, but there's something more here. Think about it. People were pausing during a difficult time and they were investing in themselves. They chose to learn something new. Well, apply this notion to your job search today. Yes - it's a competitive job market, that's true. But take a moment to think a little differently. What if this moment in time is the right time to invest in yourself on the job-search front? Can you be sure that you have a resume that elevates your story for employers in the best way possible? Do you know how to create a high-impact cover letter that aligns to the job you WANT? LinkedIn - are you optimizing that mega platform so that you're getting noticed? Do you really understand how to crack the recruiter code?
I know people haven't asked for the change that has been thrust upon them. I sure wasn't ready for it (having a kid home perpetually and struggling through Google Meets was enough to make me nuts!). But I think what I'm trying to say is this: you don't have to stay stagnant. You can be your own rainmaker. Sometimes you just need a helping hand. So - learn to speak French, paint virtually with friends...and take time to pause and enhance your job-seeker self...because no state is permanent and you ARE skilled and employers do want to meet you.
Welcome to SparksResults - I care about helping people to achieve their desired results.
Onward and upwards,